The activitites here are drawn from pure mathematics only.
This is not, of course, because applied examples bridging between A Level and university are impossible to construct,
but because I am at heart a pure mathematician.
I DO enjoy teaching applied maths greatly, especially statistics, and my A Level Statistics site is at


There are prerequisites for some of these Powerpoints; a check-through before embarking is advised.
Which is not to say that bits of theory can't be filled in en route.

Some of my Carom activities may upset the purists.
Doubtless I have cut corners here and there and simplified overmuch for some tastes.
My hope is that what is here represents an acceptable first approximation to the truth,
and that glaring errors will be brought to my attention.
The aim is always to be accessible for A Level students, so that they can at least join the debate,
with the understanding that that debate can always be deepened.

For a brief legal note, please continue...
