The List of Carom Activities

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Year 1

Carom 1-1: Geodesics
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-2: Inequalities
Topic area: Algebra

Carom 1-3: Coincidences
Topic area: Probability

Carom 1-4: The Least Road Problem
Topic area: Optimisation

Carom 1-5: Kites and Darts
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-6: Perfect and Mersenne Numbers
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 1-7: The Overlapping Circles
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-8: Repunits
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 1-9: Siders
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-10: Buffon's Needle
Topic area: Probability

Carom 1-11: Curves of Constant Width
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-12: Multiple-free Sets
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 1-13: Descent
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 1-14: Wallpaper Patterns
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-15: Adding again and again...
Topic area: Ergodic Maths

Carom 1-16: The Distribution of Prime Numbers
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 1-17: Infinity
Topic area: Set Theory and logic

Carom 1-18: Hyperbolic Geometry
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 1-19: The Propositional Calculus
Topic area: Logic

Carom 1-20: The Mandelbrot Set
Topic area: Complex Numbers

Year 2

Carom 2-1: The Game of Life
Topic area: Dynamical Systems

Carom 2-2: Mapping a set to itself
Topic area: Sequences

Carom 2-3: Pearl Tilings
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-4: Tangles
Topic area: Algebra

Carom 2-5: What are you implying?
Topic area: Logic

Carom 2-6: Conics
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-7: The Four Colour Problem
Topic area: Topology

Carom 2-8: V, S and E
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-9: The Logistic Map and Chaos
Topic area: Dynamical Systems

Carom 2-10: Inversion
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-11: Quadratic Reciprocity
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 2-12: Hikorski Triples
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 2-13: Triangle Centres
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-14: The ABC Conjecture
Topic area: Number Theory

Carom 2-15: Elliptic Curves
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-16: Triominoes
Topic area: Complex Numbers

Carom 2-17: Zeroes of a Recurrence Relation
Topic area: Sequences

Carom 2-18: Cyclotomic Polynomials
Topic area: Complex numbers

Carom 2-19: Could Pi be 3?
Topic area: Geometry

Carom 2-20: The Cross-ratio
Topic area: Geometry/complex numbers