Jonny Griffiths

Thank you for visiting my website.
I'm a retired mathematics teacher living in Frome, Somerset, whose first career was in music.

This site exists for a number of reasons.
Firstly, in the past my colleagues in maths education have found my resources
for the A Level Maths and Further Maths classroom helpful.
They are collected together here, and are made available for free.

Secondly, I have created various articles, books, artworks and songs down the years,
and I've not given up on the idea that one day some of these might reach a wider audience.
I hope that publicising their existence here might lead towards that.

Thirdly, maybe publishing this website offers me a degree of protection.
In 2012, I wrote an article for the Times Educational Supplement that went viral.
It was curious to watch the internet to be both convulsed in anger with me
and full of sympathy towards me at the same time.
The consequences in the end were minor, but they could have been career-ending.
In our age of ubiquitous social media, this could happen to anyone at any time,
and if it does, it seems prudent to have a website up and running that can tell the measured truth about you.

Fourthly, if someone wants to contact me, I feel they should have a way to do so.
I am more than happy for people to have my email address, which is given here - click on Contact Details.

If you have any copyright worries or complaints about any music, image or words on this site,
please click HERE and the situation will be swiftly resolved.